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The Ewing Township Historic Preservation Society

Located at the Benjamin Temple House, Drake Farm Park
Future Home of the Ewing Museum
27 Federal City Road, Ewing NJ 08638 ~ 609-883-2455
Hours of the Benjamin Temple House Museum and Library ~
Wednesdays from 10:00 am - 2:00 pm.
Other times by appointment with the Site Manager, Amy Karen Harter.
Free House Tours the first Sunday of Every Month from 2:00 - 4:00 pm.

The Ewing Township Historic Preservation Society (ETHPS)
was registered with the State of New Jersey on July 20th, 1972.
We are housed in the Benjamin Temple House
on Federal City Road in Ewing Township.
Our Vision:
To make the Ewing Township Historic Preservation Society
and the Temple-Ryan House (Benjamin Temple House)
the centerpiece for vibrantly preserving and interpreting
the history of Ewing Township.
Our Mission:
Through its programs, develop a deeper interest in and knowledge of history.
To work with the Ewing Township administration to preserve and maintain the Temple-Ryan Farmhouse (Benjamin Temple House) as a National Historic Site, location of the ETHPS office and archives, location for ETHPS programs, and meeting place for community groups.
To preserve documents and artifacts relative to the history of Ewing Township and its residents, and make them available to researchers.
To encourage residents of Ewing Township to help preserve the history of Ewing through participation in the ETHPS, work with the Ewing Township Historic Preservation Commission to place structures on the National, State, and Township registers of historic places, and recognize historic events and structures in the township.
(Revised: May 20, 2014)